“‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’” Exodus 33:12 NIV
WE’VE WITNESSED Moses talking with God like a friend, saying what he truly felt and thought, and God wanted it that way. Let’s listen in on their conversation. When Moses said, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people’…You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me’” (v. 12), he was mirroring back to God what God had just said to him. Do you remember saying to your spouse or friend, “You were the one who said [fill in the blank]”? That’s what Moses was doing here—reminding God of His own words. The truth is, God wants you to remember His promises and speak them in prayer. Not because He needs reminding, but because we do; plus His Word is the only word He’s obligated to fulfill (See Jeremiah 1:12). When you verbalize God’s Word in prayer, you’re praying in His will and you’re guaranteed a favorable hearing. So memorize Scriptures that relate to your needs and desires. Clothe your petitions in His promises. For example, when you say, “Lord, You said whatever I ask for in prayer, believing that I have received it, You will do it for me” (See Mark 11:24 NIV), it empowers your praying. The more you learn of God’s Word, the more your prayer time will conform to His will and the more closely aligned you’ll feel with Him. Keep your Bible handy when you talk to God so He can direct your thoughts to the words He wants you to pray.